Supreme Training Sessions

By: Gary Merritt - Thu, Sep 10, 2020 10:53 AM




I am offering 4 different training sessions for State, Regional, District and Council leaders in the month of September. They are Delta Drive, Council Growth, Council Experience and You are Your Programs. Let me give a brief statement on these training sessions

Delta Drive: This training session talks about what items should be part of every organized growth drive. It also talks about planning and organizing the drive to make them effective


Council Growth: This training talks about the “why” of growing your council and how together we can be successful at it.


Council Experience: One secret of successful councils is that they engage their council members. This engagement leads these members to have positive membership experiences leading to more involvement from them and their families, leading to more men becoming interested in the council and ultimately the council’s ability to do more for the parish and the community.


In this training, we’ll break down the five areas of engagement and provide practical, proven tactics for making sure that you engage your members in each of these areas. We’ll start with a council engagement assessment so you can see where your council has opportunities to improve so that you can focus specifically on these areas.


You are Your Programs: This is a new training presentation that we start talking about what programs we do and how we are looked at by the community by what the program that they see.


 All these sessions will be under one hour long including a Q&A period. These 4 sessions are designed to complement each other and make councils look and take action on the whole council success.


Here are the dates for and times for the training sessions.

Delta Drive

9/1/ @ 7 PM EDT


Council Growth

9/14 @ 8PM EDT

9/15 @ 9PM EDT


Council Experience

9/7 @ 7PM EDT

9/8 @ 7PM EDT

9/9 @ 9PM EDT


You are your programs

9/21 @ 8PM EDT

9/22 @ 8PM EDT

9/23 @ 9PM EDT

          Here is the Form link to sign up for these sessions

Fraternally Jon Olson Supreme Midwest Regional Training Director