Stand Up for Life & Stay Informed – Stop the Abortion Amendment

By: Ed Strach - Sun, Apr 3, 2022 6:46 AM

From Michigan Catholic Conference & Supported by the Michigan State Council Knights of Columbus

A petition drive (Reproductive Freedom for All) has started, sponsored by Planned Parenthood and the ACLU, to get a constitutional amendment for an unlimited right to abortion on the November ballot.

This amendment would repeal dozens of state laws, including our state’s ban on tax-funded abortions, the partial-birth abortion ban, and fundamentally alter the parent-child relationship by preventing parents from having input on their children’s health.

The petition drive is also an attempt to invalidate the state's long-standing ban on abortion, which is poised to become effective again, if or when the U.S. Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade.

Now, more than ever, your help is needed to stand up for the unborn and speak up for the dignity of human life at all stages. This amendment is opposed by the Michigan Catholic Conference, the official voice of the Catholic Church in Michigan on public policy. 

Help spread the word about why people should NOT sign the Reproductive Freedom for All Petition. 

For more information, visit