Spiritual Retreats

By: Gary Merritt - Sat, Jul 21, 2018 7:30 PM

As a member of the Knights of Columbus you are encouraged to attend

a retreat in your area.

Keep an eye on this site for further opportunities

retreat ArchD 18 

 Mary Grove 2019 

A description: Fr. Tim Ferguson, rector of Marygrove Retreat Center and a 30-year member of the Knights, will be leading the men through some of the finest examples of lived Catholic life in North America, including Venerable Pierre Toussaint, a freed slave, Br. James Miller, a modern martyr, Fr. Emil Kapuan, a military chaplain, and our own Venerable Frederic Baraga.  

There will be time for discussion, fraternity, private prayer, and worship.  

The Holy Mass will be offered daily, and there will be time for confession as well.  

Cost, $150 per Knight