Special Olympics Partners with Knights of Columbus

By: Gary Merritt - Sat, Jul 6, 2019 7:30 PM

S-O Summer 19

To say we were blessed during the month of May is an understatement:

  • The Michigan Knights of Columbus once again earned Supremes top spot for our commitment to Special Olympics (8th year in a row!).

  • Over 30 Color Guard members attended the Opening Ceremonies of the State Summer Games.

  • We now have a Brother Knight / Special Olympics Athlete serving as K of C Assistant Director for Special Olympics - Willy Winkle!

I would like to thank everyone for their support. Special Olympics Michigan is but one of MANY causes that the Michigan Knights of Columbus supports. You are all part of something bigger than yourself, and the impact you are making is immeasurable. On behalf of our 23,000+ athletes - Thank you and God Bless!

Vivat Jesus! Robbie Waclawski, GK #1297 / Special Olympics Michigan

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