Sacred Heart Major Seminary Endowment Scholarship Fund

By: Gary Merritt - Tue, Mar 12, 2019 7:30 PM


The E. S. F. is an agreement between the Michigan Knights of Columbus and Sacred Heart Major Seminary initiated April 5th, 2018.  The agreement specifies that the Michigan jurisdiction will commit to fund the Scholarship Fund in the amount of $1,000,000.00.

 Sacred Heart Sem pic

  • Knights of Columbus have always supported our Bishops, Priests, Deacons, and Seminarians.

  • Sacred Heart Major Seminary is a institution utilized and funded by all seven of Michigan’s Diocese and its Catholic population.


  • Annual costs for“formation” range between $40,000 and $50,000.

  • R.S.V.P. is a great financial resource, but it is normally assigned to a specific seminarian’s incidental expenses.

  • Council excess vocations project funds can be directed to the E.S.F.

A Message from the Endowed Scholarship Fund Chairperson John L. Rademacher

SHEF themo 12-9-19


Thanks for being a supporter and member of the Sacred Heart Major Seminary family.  Whether a financial supporter, a prayerful supporter or both, your support is duly noted.  Hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit and then acting to support the mission of discernment, formation, to the end of holy and happy priests is indeed what the Knights of Columbus continuously support.

Sacred Heart Major Seminary celebrates 100 years of service (1919-2019) educating not only priests, but religious, deacons and lay people.  Imagine the number of individuals who have passed through the walls of this magnificent building. Many have touched each of us as Christ’s shepherds within our parish community. Cardinals, Bishops, who have ministered the sacraments and ordained countless seminarians over this 100-year legacy.

Personally, I have visited S.H.M.S. and sensed the presence of the Holy Spirit at work supporting and guiding the seminarians in formation. I urge each of you to set up a guided tour of the campus and structure.  View the seminarians attending classes and praying throughout the day in the chapel.  Note the beauty of the structure . . .100 years of history awaits you.

Side-step and let’s review our progress towards the ENDOWED SCHOLARSHOIP FUND (E.S.F.)

The Michigan K of C jurisdiction signed an agreement to raise $1.0 million dollars to support the cost of formation and educational expenses the seminarians incure during their tenure at S.H.M.S.  To date, we have raised $230,000 and presented $195,794.35 via the Archbishop’s Gala in both 2018 and 2019. 

Council Financial Secretaries will begin the process of dues notice for the Fraternal Year 2020, starting with December 1st and continuing through the first quarter of 2020.
Inclusive with the dues notice amount will be the request for donation of $6.00 per member for the Endowed Scholarship Fund (E.S.F.)
Monies collected from the members should be sent via council check to State Secretary Walter Winkle, Jr.  2600 Ellsworth Columbus, MI.  48063. The check should be written to Michigan State K of C Charities.  Memo:  Endowed Scholarship Fund.

District Deputies were given a packet of "yellow handouts" at the Summer  Leadership meeting for each council F.S. to include with the dues notice  per member.  Kindly remind the F.S.'s of your councils to incorporate the  "E.S.F." with the 2020 dues notice when attending council meetings.
The "yellow handout" describes the purpose of the E.S.F. and the commitment from the Michigan Jurisdiction to Sacred Heart Major Seminary (S.H.M.S.).

In behalf of the Michigan Seminarians attending SH.M.S, we thank you for your support.


 John Rademacher  517-749-6757.