Pilgrim Icon Program

By: Greg Brunson - Fri, Nov 26, 2021 4:01 PM

Brother Knights,  

Beginning in January 2022 the Pilgrim Icon Program will launch across the State of Michigan.   Now is the time for District Deputies to submit their request forms to the State Faith Director.    District Deputies who are first in line will be first to have this beautiful program hosted at parishes in their district.  Request forms can be downloaded from the Michigan K of C website:  mikofc.org/resources/Faith-in-action.   In addition to the request forms the Pilgrim ICON 2022 Schedule will be posted and updated frequently.  Please review the schedule before making your request and submitting it to the State Faith Director.  The intent is for the District Deputies to drive this process versus being told when and where they will have an ICON.

There are 7 ICONS for Michigan.   An Icon will be hosted by a District for 1 month as it visits all the Churches in that District.   The schedule’s week begins on Sunday and ends on Saturday.  At the end of a District’s cycle (on SATURDAY) the District Deputy, who is responsible for the Icon, will pass it along to either the next District Deputy who is scheduled, or back to myself.  Each Church in the District will have the Icon for a full Mass cycle.   It will take a while for all Churches in Michigan to have an opportunity to host for this program.    

There will no longer be a Travel Log rather, Council hosting of an Icon is reported directly to the Knights of Columbus with the form 10784.  Each Icon has an ‘Asset Tag’ with a Tag Code, simply use a smart phone camera to read the code and it takes you straight to the landing page for 10784 requests.  You will get an email with the online 10784 which is good for 48 hours – just like all the other ‘Faith In Action’ program reporting – EASY.

 MOST IMPORTANT:  The District Deputy or Grand Knight need to have Father’s permission to host the ICON – we do NOT just show up without the Priest’s knowledge and blessing to do this.

In addition, the Grand Knight of a hosting council in that District is responsible for making sure the ICON visit to their Parish is well advertised in the Parish Bulletin a couple of weeks running prior to.

 There is a prayer service to go along with the Icon as well as posters & prayer cards – it is a kit.    It will take a while for all 7 Icons to move throughout the State however the schedule will be from January to January, perhaps longer.   While hosting an Icon, it would be an ideal time to hold an exemplification of Charity, Unity, and Fraternity.  In addition, be on the lookout for those fifth Sundays which can be an opportunity for a council led Rosary, or some other special event to be held while hosting an Icon – Note District 310 in Grand Rapids and 503 in Lansing have the first Fifth Sunday in 2022.

I will meet any District Deputy anywhere in the State to help them with this wonderful program.   Keep in mind the program was cancelled last year and this year is the year of St Joseph!  For all those ‘St Joseph’ Churches in the Saginaw Diocese – this will be fantastic!