Monthly Membership Report

By: Dan Fuller - Sat, Aug 7, 2021 5:36 AM

   Daniel C Fuller Jr.

State Membership Director

Michigan State Council of the Knights of Columbus



My Worthy Brother Knights,

I hope you and your families are all well.  We are now in the second month of our fraternal year, but we are falling behind in growing our Order.  July is the month that councils use to plan their programs and membership events.  August is the month we implement those plans.

FYI, August 6th was the first ZERO growth day Michigan has had this fraternal year.  This is not good for our Order.  The 400+ councils and 62,000+ Brother Knights of Michigan must be adding 10+ new members every day to make a difference.

Question, is your council hosting a church drive or membership event in August?  

Question, is your council using e-membership and free promo code MCGIVNEY2020

Question, is your council participating in the Fraternal Benefit Event Wed Aug 18, 2021 7:00 PM-8:00 PM, LIVE Virtual Seminar with Joe Jordan Inspirational Speaker and Behavioral Finance Expert Registration will be limited Register Now

Our Parishes need strong councils now more than ever.  As leaders we must empower our Brother Knights to take action to serve their parishes and invite friends and family to join us in making a difference within our church and community.  Membership Growth is the exercise that strengthens our councils’ so strong programs and great works of service can be achieved.  Empower your councils to exercise their growth skills.  Growth will bring meaningful life changing experiences to those new Knights and their families.

Let’s all “Rise up and answer the call” and get Michigan growing.  

Vivat Jesus!