Michigan State University Council #17197.

By: Gary Merritt - Sun, Feb 3, 2019 3:30 AM

State Deputy William Chasse is pleased to announce the formation of Michigan's newest Council.  January 26, 2019 Supreme Council granted new Council status to Michigan State University Council #17197

The new college council is starting with 22 members and will have the next 90 days to add to its membership roles with each new member in the first 90 days being name on the council's charter.

The start of this council was the result of many years of hard work by many individuals.  This college council will provide great opportunities for young Catholic gentlemen to grow in their Faith, help in their parish and community with service projects, and learn leadership skills that will serve them for years to come.

MSU council 17197Congratulations to the newest members of our great Order and to Grand Knight Christopher Kolomjec Jr. (son of our State Treasurer) and his new leadership team at Michigan State University.

You may contact Grand Knight Christopher Kolomjec Jr. @ 313-600-7740.

A special thanks to Father Gary Koenigsknecht, Parochial Vicar of St. Thomas Aquinas and St. John Church and Student Center in East Lansing for agreeing to be the Council's Chaplain and spiritual leader.