Membership Tournament Challenge

By: Gary Merritt - Thu, Apr 4, 2019 7:30 PM


Just when we finished a wild March Madness with College Basketball here in Michigan, we have a new challenge and a new bracket to work on. . .


The Supreme Council has challenged the states and provinces to a "Membership Tournament Challenge".  This challenge is matching us against Minnesota in the first round.  

  • Winners will be based on the highest percentage of membership intake.  

  • Each of the rounds after the first will earn the state CASH for winning.  

  • The prizes start at $500 and grows by $500 in each of the following rounds.

    We have the chance to finish this year very well and this challenge from Supreme will add dollars that we can share directly to the Sacred Heart Major Seminary Endowment Scholarship Fund to support our seminarians now and in the future.

    Michigan only needs 800 new members to reach our goal for the first time in 10 years.  Our challenge is to recruit just 9 men a day for the rest of the year.  With over 430 Councils, we only need each council to recruit 2 men to surpass our goal of sustainability in Michigan.

    The details of the challenge and our bracket are attached - lets continue Michigan's winning of brackets this year and win some cash for our Seminarians.  

    With your help - "We Can Make Michigan Great Again"

 membership tourney challenge 19