McGivney Field opening ceremonies pt 3
Sun, Apr 14, 2024 7:54 AM
-Dear Brother Knights,
The Special Olympics Initiative, involving the building of a totally adaptable Special Needs baseball field in the Archdiocese of Detroit, continues to transpire. I am pleased to announce more details on the blessing and naming of the Clinton Valley Little League Challenger Division Senior League Baseball Field in honor of our founder “Blessed Father Michael J. McGivney.” This spectacular event will take place on Saturday, June 15th, 2024. I trust that you have been following the developments in our previous articles. Let us approach this event with enthusiasm, sportsmanship, and a true sense of camaraderie. Brothers, we are truly in the Big Leagues now.
To the 42 escorted councils and their Worthy Grand Knights, I kindly request that you provide a count of the members attending this event and make a note of it in your council activities reports. For all Grand Knights in the Archdiocese of Detroit whose councils will be in attendance, please ensure that bottled water is provided for your members, along with copies of the opening and closing odes.
To the members of the flash mob, your role is providing a grand entrance for our celebrant. The M.I. Drive aprons you wear will symbolize our unity and commitment to serving those with special needs. Before entrance onto and off of the field, we will be singing the KofC opening and closing odes respectively. Remember, unity in song is key, and it will set the tone for the event, creating a memorable experience for all in attendance.
Brother Knights, this is your time to shine. Your dedication and hard work have not gone unnoticed, and now it is your moment to be in the spotlight you deserve. Worthy Grand Knights, please ensure that any members in wheelchairs or walkers are accommodated and included in the festivities. Let us show all the true spirit of brotherhood and inclusion.
Also, coordinate with your Council Membership Chairman, and if there are any potential members for your council, invite them, fit them in an apron, and let them see Knights in action up close and firsthand.
On this special occasion, Kathy Kuzner, a young lady with Down syndrome and the daughter of Brother Knight Robert Kuzner of Monsignor Gordon Council 12102, will be singing the National Anthem “The Star-Spangled Banner.” I have heard Kathy Kuzner sing and she has the voice of an angel and a smile that will melt your heart.

I will have more information to follow as things come together, so stay tuned. You may also reach me at the email address listed below.
Gentlemen, we are swinging for the fences on this one. I’ll see you on the field!
Vivat Jesus!
Ken Dumais
Council 13950/St Mary of the Hills