January 28th Message from our State Faith Director

By: Robert Bagley - Wed, Jan 31, 2024 9:56 AM

From Your State Faith Director


Brothers,  Viva Christo Rey!


Did you know, Christ made man to be the leader of his Family, the Church and our Community. How can we be the Leader that he wants us to be?


We need to become more immersed in our Faith, are you unsure how to accomplish this?


COR! By the men in your council and Parish getting together, having refreshments, open your get-together with a prayer and dive into your topic. Then have discussion helping each other with what was presented. Close with a prayer.


This will build your Faith to where you start to become more Holy, which is the ultimate goal. People will start to notice the change in you, your family will notice you becoming more involved with the Church and loving Christ even more.


You are now becoming what God wants us to be. Now the young men are looking to you for guidance and by God's Grace, it will encourage them to join the Priesthood. 


This is the Salvation of your Soul and bringing others to Christ.


God Loves you

bob and lorie


Bob Bagley 

State Faith Director