Greetings from the State Director of Catechesis

By: Gary Merritt - Mon, Jul 25, 2022 7:18 AM


I hope all is well with you and that you learned something about yourself positively or negatively about your personal Faith knowledge with the Catholic quiz last week.   As the State Deputy has stated we've got to understand, to be able to explain to our children and grandchildren, and our neighbors and our wives.......about the body and blood of Jesus what is the truth.

As stated in the Diocesan meetings of last week we will use many sources to educate ourselves. Several options are writings, videos, workshops, courses etc.  For this week's column I have chosen for his explanation of THE TRUE PRESENCE a column from Fr. Joe Krupp published in Faith Magazine Lansing edition for a basic helpful understanding that I believe is a good beginning.  Fr. Joe has a widespread audience under the heading "Quantum Catechesis" I hope this offering brings a small amount of clarity to the subject It is linked HERE.

Also, July 29th is the feast of Saints Martha, Mary and Lazarus of Bethany: please spend a few minutes reading this article as well and contemplating on its meaning.

July 29 — Saints. Martha, Mary, and Lazarus of Bethany

While July 29 is the traditional feast of St. Martha, Pope Francis recently revised the calendar to include sibling saints Mary and Lazarus. So, we can still honor Martha in a special way on this day, but we also are reminded of the house at Bethany and all the siblings that Jesus loved there. 

St. Martha is the beloved saint from Scripture who was anxious and worried about many things. Jesus loved her dearly for her hospitality and concern for Him. She famously cooked a meal for Jesus on more than one occasion. She was the hostess who fed the God of Hosts. After the death of Lazarus, she summons her sister Mary to the side of Christ with these words,

“The Teacher is here and is calling for you.” (Jn 11:28)

This is a great reminder to all of us of the Real Presence calling to us from each Catholic church we pass.

These two saints teach us so much about the way we should lavish Jesus with love. The wisdom of St. Martha is a wonderful daily reminder:

“The Teacher is here and is calling for you.”

 Saints of July, as we seek and savor your words of wisdom, pray for us! 

 Paul L Kelsey State Director of Catechesis