Grand Rapids and Kalamazoo Food Packing Event April 20th
Thu, Mar 21, 2024 6:40 AM
-The Grand Rapids and Kalamazoo Diocese Cross Catholic Food Packing event is April 20, 2024, from 8AM to NOON. It's all happening at Holy Redeemer Parish Gym, located at 2700 Baldwin, Jenison, MI 49428.
We welcome your financial support through donations, please feel free to use the donation QR code below.
Equally important, we really need your HELP and your smiling faces! We are looking for volunteers to assist with packing 60,000 meals. Sign up NOW using the volunteer QR Code below. Remember, by pre-registering, you will be able to skip the line on the day of the event!

In addition to bringing Brother Knights from your councils, let's make this an extra fun event by inviting your family members, friends, neighbors, co-workers, Prospects, and fellow parishioners to help us with the packing! The more, the merrier!
Imagine the impact we can make by ensuring that the most vulnerable among us, the women and children of an impoverished nation, can go to bed with a full belly. It's something we often take for granted, but it is a necessity that everyone deserves.
With your incredible support, we CAN make a difference!
Your Brother in Christ,
Garret A. Kelenske
State Cross Catholic Outreach Director