Golden Knight Awards

By: Gary Merritt - Sun, May 28, 2023 9:57 AM

Golden Knights Awards

For dedication and service to the Michigan Knights of Columbus Fraternal Year 2022-2023.

DD 105 Ray Bilyk

DPD John Brenner

SPS Paul Palka

DD 111 John Carey Jr.

DMD Don Garon

SMD James Escott

DD 113 Thomas Kendziorski

DPD Patrick Oliver

COS Clifford Wasmund

DD 114 Brian Zahn

DPD Jose Reyes

Editor Gary Kolbicz

DD 113 Richard Olszewski

DMD Nick Zafer

Ex Sec Larry Grabowski

DD 509 John Yanok

DMD Joe Zayaz

PSD Ken Unterbrink

DPD John Brenner

SLD Ed Strach

PSD Michael Malinowski

DMD Don Garon

SCD Gene Murawski


Two special awards were presented this year,

Knight of the Year and Chaplain of the year.