First Cross Catholic Outreach Food Packing event is 10/14

By: Garret Kelenske - Tue, Sep 19, 2023 6:22 AM

Brothers, our first Cross Catholic Outreach Food Packing event is happening on October 14th, thanks to our awesome host council, Holy Family Council #11811 in Novi.
We really need financial support through your donations, but equally important, we need your help!  We're on the lookout for 125-150 volunteers to lend a hand with the food packing. Just scan the QR Codes below and let's make this happen!
Imagine the impact we can make by ensuring that the most vulnerable among us, the women and children of an impoverished nation, can go to bed with a full belly. It's something we often take for granted, but it's a basic necessity that everyone deserves.
This program is truly exciting and wonderful, and I'm hoping that all of us can put our Faith in Action to make it a HUGE success.
With your support, we CAN make a difference!
Your Brother in Christ
Garret A. Kelenske
State Cross Catholic Outreach Director