Family Programs

By: Garret Kelenske - Tue, Dec 1, 2020 1:35 PM


My Brother Knights and Families did you know that in the Family Program   section you can find the easiest program that the Knights of Columbus offer to our parishes? This program is called the Consecration to the Holy Family. The program is designed to be done on the Feast day of The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. This year that date falls on Sunday December 27, 2020. I know that this gives you all some time to get permission from Father to do this program. With the busy Christmas schedule, it may be difficult to get this prayer program done, but remember this program could also be done on one of the Marian Feast days or any other appropriate family-oriented Feast Day.

As I said this program is so simple, all the Council has to do is order the prayer card, get permission from Father. Pass out the prayer card which by the way is optional. Ask Father to do the prayer after the final Blessing. If Father is extremely busy you could ask the Deacon or a member of the Council to recite the prayer with the parish. I do not think it gets easier than that.

My Brothers the information for this program can be found in the Resources section of the State website. When you get there click on Family Supreme Programs and you will find all the information that you need. This is the time when we need to consecrate our Families to the Holy Family, with all of the issues in the world and all of the chaos I cannot think of a more appropriate program to strengthen our Families.


Consecration to the Holy Family Link



My Brother Knights and Families I hope this article finds you all basking in the glow of the recent Thanksgiving Day festivities. Now that we have all enjoyed the holiday it is time to refocus and get moving again on our programs. I do not like to promote the Keep Christ in Christmas Programs before Halloween and Thanksgiving we get enough of that from the stores, but the time is here. Did you know that Supreme has rolled multiple programs together in this area? Not only do we have the traditional poster contest and card sales, but we also have a wonderful Advent programs called Journey to the Inn. By the time you are reading this Advent has begun, but that’s not a problem for this program. The booklet is set up to be a one-day ceremony, because of the current health crisis we are in, this program can be done with social distancing and outside. I know sometimes the weather doesn’t always cooperate at this time of the year but properly dressed it should not be a problem.  As with many of our programs there is room for creativity and substitution. An example would be to ask the Deacon or Grand Knight to do the part of the Chaplain if he is unavailable.

    There are also other programs that are available that can be very rewarding. Perhaps a Parish Wreath Blessing that could be done after Mass in the parking lot. Council Family households getting together on zoom and all lighting their trees and saying some prayers.  More information on these programs can be found on our State website, look under Resources in the Family section and click on the Supreme Program heading. Please get creative, the possibilities are endless, but you have to become motivated to do them. This year I am asking my Brother Knights and their Families to make a special effort to Keep Christ in Christmas. God Bless all of you and From the Kelenske Family Merry Christmas.

Supreme Family Programs Link

Your Brother in Christ

Garret A. Kelenske State Family Director


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