Family of the Month and the Year

By: Gary Merritt - Wed, Dec 26, 2018 3:30 AM

 A Higher Purpose

Stimulate and support the development of strong and vibrant families. Local councils will establish a committee to recognize a deserving Family of the Month and Family of the Year with potential for recognition on the international level.


Each month, the council Family of the Month committee selects one parish family that models Christian family values and visibly lives them every day. Once a year, each participating council also selects one of the previous twelve Family of the Month winners to represent the council/parish as the potential international Family of the Year. The Knights of Columbus Family of the Year is chosen by the Supreme Council and recognized each year at the annual Supreme Convention.

To view a list of participating councils click here. This list from Suprme shows 22 Michigan councils credited for the program this November. If your council does choose a family but does not submit the form your council is not credited. The chosen family also is denied the opportunity to be in the drawing at Supreme for one of the hundred family awards distributed monthly.

If your council does not particpate in the program it is missing the opportunity to recognize a derserving family. To find out more information on the program and it's action steps click here.