District 105 Coats for Kids

By: Richard Shelt - Mon, Dec 19, 2022 11:38 AM

Because of the cooperation of the councils in District #105 and the State Councils arranging for bonus coats from Supreme, an amazing event happened Saturday Dec 17 at St. Andre Bessette Parish in Ecorse.

The district hosted a Coats for Kids giveaway. Over a hundred families were served and almost 300 coats distributed.

The children were extremely excited about getting these coats. After they received the coats and gloves and hats that were available, the families were allowed to enjoy a light meal and some snacks.

In the picture from left to right is David Kudla DGK #3856, Mark Garcellano GK #3956, Ray Bilyk DD105, Richard Shelt SDRR, Sean Roland DW 105, John DeFrancesco GK #3078 and David Hayward DGK #3078. David is also the program director for #3078.

This is just one example of the several giveaways by councils & Districts around the State. Michigan Knights of Columbus (mikofc.org)