DAVL Memorial Mass November 5th

By: Michael Cousins - Tue, Jul 11, 2023 6:05 PM

Memorial Mass

Detroit Archdiocesan Vocations League

Each year the Knights of Columbus along with the Detroit Archdiocesan Vocations League sponsor a Memorial Mass held at Sacred Heart Major Seminary.  It is a very moving event and the name of every Brother Knight who is being memorialized on a plaque is read aloud and also printed in the program.  The Mass is attended by the State Officers, Fourth Degree Color Corps and all Brother Knights and their families who wish to attend.  This is followed by a brunch where we get to meet some of the current seminarians and future priests.

Mass pic

This year’s Mass is going to be held on Sunday November 5, 2023 at 10 am (please be seated by 9:45)  Sacred Heart Seminary is located at 2701 Chicago Blvd. Detroit, 48206.  Enter on Linwood south of Chicago.

If you wish to memorialize a Knight from your family or Council fill out the plaque application that can be found on the State Website or contact Mike Cousins:  m.cousins@mikofc.org