Council 13360 - District Deputy Dan Gibbons Newsletter Article - March 2018
Wed, Mar 14, 2018 7:30 PM
-Posted For: Council #13360
The season of Lent is upon us. As we prepare to celebrate Holy Week, we can take this time to reflect on our lives and scrutinize our own weaknesses and flaws. We can turn to God to help us become better husbands, fathers, and friends.
One thing I'm reflecting on is my friendships with other men. As men, we yearn to be needed, useful, and wanted. The friendships we have are based on what we have in common with others; occupation, hobbies, families, etc. Our friends can make us laugh at a shared joke, and cry at the hardships of life. We learn from our friends where to get the best pizza, and how to adjust to life's challenges. I don't know anyone who has too many friends.
The thing I keep going over during my prayer time is - am I a good friend?
Here is a brief list of the questions for reflection:
1. Do my friends look to me as a man of virtue?
2. Can my friends rely on me?
3. Do I make my friends feel they are important?
4. Would I endure hardship for my friends?
As I go to the different council meetings, I am always impressed by the friendships I see in each council. Men concerned about the good of the others. The world is a lonely place, and we need to show the men in our communities that being a Knight will lead to true friendship. During this Lent, reach out to that man in the parish that needs friendship.
Lex orandi, lex credendi
Dan Gibbons
District Deputy