Council 13360 - Council #13360 - December - Knight and Family of the Month

By: Mark Tepen - Wed, Jan 23, 2019 3:30 AM

Posted For: Council #13360

Knight of the Month, December:  Jon Pavlinac.

Jon has been frequent volunteer when the Knights of Columbus have hosted Coffee and Doughnuts on Sunday mornings after Masses.  Jon has been there at every event this fraternal year, welcoming and visiting with parishioners, making sure that things run smoothly, and helping with the cleanup.  And he does this with great joy.


Family of the Month, December:  Peter and Annie Kadeli.

Since they arrived in Ann Arbor last summer and inquired about serving in music at CTK, Peter and Annie made such a positive impact on many of our liturgies.   Peter is the type of choir director whose arrival we have all been praying for.  In his spare time from his Master's degree studies at UofM in choral conducting, he has rejuvenated the Christ the King choir.  Annie, in the soprano section, is one of a number of new choir members.