Council 13360 - Council #13360 - August Knight and Family of the Month

By: Mark Tepen - Sat, Oct 13, 2018 7:30 PM

Posted For: Council #13360

Knight of the Month, August:  John "Jack" Donnelly, RIP 08/29/2018.  As a dedicated Knight, John represented all of our Knights with his love of God, Family, & Life.  He seemed to be always helping with Pro-Life, our service projects, and other activities.  


Family of the Month, August:  The extended Donnelly Family.  The extended Donnelly family serves and support our parish and our council in many ways.  The Knights of Columbus are well represented in the Donnelly family, including John's and Mary Ellen's daughters and sons-in-law include Clare and Knight Larry ("Koz") Kozmalski, Carol and Knight Shawn Horn, Rachel and Knight Mark Leerkes, Knight Father Paul Donnelly.  Several of the younger generation boys are active in our council's Squires Circle.  Many members of this extended family have stepped up when our council has needed help with such projects as set-up and take-down for Coffee & Donuts on Sunday mornings, or with helping collect donations at the twice-a-year MI Drives.