Community News Update July 28, 2022

By: John Hundiak - Sat, Jul 30, 2022 1:27 PM

Coats for Kids

I have been getting a lot of questions about the annual Coats for Kids program. There are a few different ways to participate in this worthwhile program. 

First, a council may purchase coats through Supreme (Knightsgear).  The website offers choices of coats in size and gender.  The coats are the same price as last year and we have been assured that the delivery problems experienced last year will not happen this year.  The coats may be ordered at any time but before October 1 is highly recommended.  The goal for Michigan is to have all coats distributed by early November.  If your council donates 1 case of coats, you may take one credit point towards the Columbian Award.  If you council donates 6 cases of coats, 2 credits can be claimed.  Do not forget to file your 10784 for this project.

Secondly, if your council can not afford a full case of coats, the council may send a donation to the State Council (minimum donation of $50.00 is suggested).  That donation will be pooled together with other council donations to order coats for distribution at one of the State wide distribution centers. You may also claim 1 credit towards your Columbian Award.

Lastly, for those councils that can manage/oversee a distribution center can order coats through the State Council and take advantage of the Boxing Day Coats for Kids special pricing.  This is a 1 for 1 match.  Order 6 cases and the State will receive 12 cases in your name.  Order 12 cases and get 24 cases!  What is needed to participate is a firm commitment on how many cases your council/district will order.  This commitment must be received no later than August 31, 2022.  Payment for the committed order must be received no later than September 15, 2022.  All commitments and payments are to be sent to:

John Hundiak

State Community Director

2439 Westwood Drive

 Rochester Hills, MI 48306

Checks are made payable to ‘Michigan State Council’ with ‘Coats for Kids’ on the memo line. 

Any questions, please contact me at or 248-420-0135.