Circle of Honor presentation in Hilton Head
Mon, Jun 17, 2024 8:55 PM
-The Knights of Columbus Circle of Honor Award is a prestigious recognition that celebrates the outstanding performance of jurisdictions within the Order during the Fraternal Year.
State Deputy Christopher Kolomjec and Former State Membership Director James Escott are currently in attendance at the Circle of Honor presentation in Hilton Head, SC to accept the Circle of Honor Award for the 2022/2023 Fraternal Year.
Although we still have a few days remaining in this fraternal year, it is a proud moment for all of us that Michigan has already achieved the Circle of Honor for the third consecutive year, a remarkable accomplishment!
This achievement is a testament to the dedication and hard work of every Knight in Michigan. It is a reflection of our commitment to serving God, our Holy Catholic Church, and those in need in our communities. As we look ahead to the upcoming fraternal year, let us continue our mission with renewed vigor and passion.

Pictured L-R: State Deputy Christopher A. Kolomjec, Supreme Knight Patrick Kelly, and Former State Membership Director James Escott.