Blessed Michael McGivney Feast Day Mass

By: Thomas Wegener - Thu, Sep 7, 2023 2:29 PM


Fr. Bob Bacik, Lansing Diocesan Chaplain, Council 788 Co-Chaplain, and Pastor of St. Gerard Majella Parish in Lansing is shown celebrating Mass on Sunday, August 13th, the Feast Day of Blessed Michael McGivney, the Order's Founder.


Members of Richard Council 788 and their families were inattendance. 


The gathering space of the church welcomed all for Mass with a portrait of Fr. McGivney.  During the Eucharistic Prayer the name of Blessed Michael McGivney was offered. 


At the end of Mass, during Father's remarks, he again mentioned the Feast Day of Fr. McGivney and the Knights of Columbus and invited those who would like information about the KofC to visit the Knights who were assembled in the gathering space during a membership drive.