46th Annual Respect Life Dinner was held on April 9th

By: Ken Warzybok - Wed, Apr 10, 2024 6:57 AM

The 46th Annual Respect Life Benefit Dinner took place on Tuesday, April 9, 2024, at the San Marino Club in Troy. This event was proudly presented by the Michigan Knights of Columbus and Right to Life of Michigan Educational Fund. The keynote address was delivered by special guest speaker Dan Compton, whose life story is a testament to the value of every human life, having been born through the hands of one of the deadliest abortionists in American history.
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Throughout the evening, several prestigious awards were presented, including the Joan of Arc Award (Barbara Listing) and the Golden Knight Award, which was bestowed upon Otto Listing. Additionally, our Worthy State Deputy, Christopher Kolomjec, had the honor of presenting a $10,000 check to Amber Roseboom of Right to Life Michigan.
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We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all who attended this significant event. Your presence and support are invaluable as we strive to promote the message of Respect Life. May God bless you abundantly as you continue to advocate for the sanctity of all human life!