46th Annual March for Life

By: Gary Merritt - Fri, Feb 1, 2019 3:30 AM

march sign with kids

Even though our State sponsored bus was cancelled the Michigan State Council and wives, along with Pro Life Chair Couple Tim & Cindy Donovan traveled to Washington D.C. on Friday January 18th, 2019 for the 46th Annual March for Life. This year’s theme “Unique From Day One” says it all!

group M4L 19 Army Navy Club

Upon arrival on Friday, Fr. Aidan Logan, Vocations Director for the Archdiocese of Military Services greeted us at the Army Navy Club for breakfast in preparation for the March.

We then traveled to the National Mall where we joined our Deputy Supreme Knight Patrick E. Kelly to listen to the scheduled speakers. This year Ben Shapiro, Editor-In-Chief of The Daily Wire, Abby Johnson, former Planned Parenthood Director, Dr. Alveda King, Priests for Life, Vice President Mike Pence, our Supreme Knight, Carl A. Anderson, along with final remarks from President of March for Life Jeanne Mancini.


 M4L 19 w KC officers

From the photos you can get an idea of the amount of youth that attended the March which was very moving to all of us.

Friday evening and Saturday were left for sightseeing in and around our nation’s capital. We then went to St. John Paul II National Shrine on Saturday afternoon touring the many exhibits and stories outlining His Life.

Marchers behind KC 

 JP II relic

At the conclusion of the tour we attended Mass at the Redemptor Hominus Church which is within the Shrine.

We were so very blessed to have Fr. Paul Ballien from the Archdiocese of Detroit con-celebrate Holy Mass with Fr. Aidan Logan, truly a memorable Mass.

First class relic of St. John Paul II Pope in the Luminous Mystery Chapel within the St. John Paul II Pope National Shrine.  

If you have not made the excursion to the March for Life you should consider joining us next year which is in the early planning stages. Watch the website for information to come later this year.

To view a short Supreme video of the Knights participation in the March 2019 click on:

Knights4Life at the 2019 March for Life

God bless! Tim & Cindy Donovan State Pro Life Chair Couple