2024 State Raffle January Update

By: Kevin Rowley - Sun, Jan 7, 2024 5:29 PM

On Friday, December 29, 2023, Executive Secretary, Larry Grabowski, Michigan Columbian Editor, Gary Kolbicz, State Raffle Directors, Kevin Rowley and Mike Haughey gathered at the State Office to conduct the first of four $250.00 “Early Bird”, seller incentive drawings. Joining us was Archdiocesan Membership Director John Reeser.
With the days mail picked up from the P. O. Box and all tickets processed, Kevin Rowley gave the barrel a final spin and reached into the barrel to pull the winning ticket!
The $250.00 Winner - Brother Knight, Jerome Kunkel of Brighton, Michigan.
Congratulations Brother Knight, Jerome Kunkel and thank you for supporting our Michigan Knights of Columbus, State Charity Raffle!
With the first Early Bird Drawing Completed, you still have Three remaining chances to win $250.00. Remaining drawings will be held on January 29, 2024, February 29, 2024, and March 29, 2024. So don’t delay, sell your book of 12 tickets and mail them in with your check and your Early Bird Raffle Ticket today!
Our Councils Benefit $$$
If asked, would you donate $12.00 to your council, while putting in to practice the First Degree of our Order?
Remember, $1.00 of every ticket you sell goes directly to your Local Knights of Columbus Council. (One sold book equals a $12.00 donation to your Council on your behalf)
To date, through your efforts, we have collectively raised over $40,000.00 for local councils, through the sale of State Charity Raffle tickets. That’s a great start, but with over 60,000 Knights of Columbus members in the state of Michigan, the potential share to councils is over $720,000.00. To date approximately 3,350 members of the over 60,000 members, have bought or sold their 12 tickets.
Tracking Every Ticket
Each and every ticket bears a unique bar code on the bottom. The bar code contains your Council number and membership number. This allows us the ability to track ticket sales to each individual Council and individual member. This assures your Council gets credit and the revenue from each ticket you sell.
A sincere thank you to everyone for your participation and strong support of our Michigan Knights of Columbus Charity Raffle.
Kevin and Mike
Happy New Year,
Mike Haughey and Kevin Rowley
State Raffle Directors, Michigan State Council Knights of Columbus