2024 State Family of the Year

By: Ken Warzybok - Fri, Jun 14, 2024 1:27 PM

In 2018 (with 8 children and one on the way), the Ampe family were made aware of special needs children in Ukraine that needed homes, lots of love, and medical attention. They discussed the situation with their children who all agreed to adopt a Downs Syndrome child. They started the adoption process and flew to Ukraine to meet (and bring home) their 10th child (Cazimir). When they got there, they stumbled upon Henrik (another child with Downs Syndrome). They had a quick family meeting (via face-time) and the children asked their parents to please “Don’t leave Henrik behind. Bring him home.” Joe and Tiffany have stayed in touch with the families of Casimir and Henrik so they remain connected to their children and, just as important, Casimir and Henrik stay connected with their birth parents.

Then, in 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine and the war began. Joe and Tiffany (with their connection to Ukraine) could not sit by and do nothing. They began raising money and collecting food and medical supplies to take to Ukraine. They worked with their parish and the Knights of Columbus. They reached out beyond Joe’s local council (689) to the entire district and raised over $200,000 for Ukraine. Joe made 2 additional trips to Ukraine to deliver all food and medical supplies raised. The people he met were so grateful and were overwhelmed by the generosity of the Marquette Diocese and the Knights of Columbus (led and inspired by Joe and Tiffany and the entire Ampe family).

Joe and Tiffany have built a wonderful family firmly rooted in their Catholic faith. The Ampe family (along with the Knights in Marquette) have demonstrated their commitment to provide Ukraine with the love, food, medical supplies and money they need to survive.