HCS Christmas Wish List 22

By: Michael Fontana - Fri, Nov 11, 2022 7:45 AM



Sweatshirts for Holy Cross Services

Drop off destinations

The date to drop off sweatshirts, pajamas, bath baskets and gift cards is:

Saturday, December 3 from 10:00 am – Noon

at all Diocesan locations

Detroit North and South Samaritan Center

5555 Conner Detroit 48213

Kalamazoo James Highfield (home address)

57380 Highfield Rd 3 Rivers 49093

Gaylord and Marquette Holy Cross Services

213 E. Main St Gaylord 49735

Lansing New Hope Community Center

430 N. Larch Lansing 48912

Grand Rapids Martin Brown (home address)

2925 Bristol NW Gd Rapids 49544

Saginaw Queen of Angels

3400 S. Washington Saginaw 48601

 For more information contact  Wendee Rex

Donor Engagement Officer 248-980-4830 wrex@hccsnet.org

Christmas for the Seminarians

By: Christopher A. Kolomjec - Fri, Nov 11, 2022 7:40 AM

Worthy Brothers, 

Our focus is Faith and Family and as such the Michigan Knights of Columbus want to thank our Seminarians from their dedication to the priesthood at Christmas.  We currently have 105 Seminarians attending Sacred Heart Major Seminary from throughout the State of Michigan.  Our Worthy State Chaplain, Rev. Aidan Logan, OCSO, has helped with our project and has selected a toiletry travel bag that will have the Knights of Columbus emblem on it and presented to the Seminarians for Christmas.

On Saturday, December 10th, while the men are attending the Winter Leadership meeting in Grand Rapids, the ladies will be filling the beautiful travel bags with items specifically for our Seminarians. 

This is where the Councils come in.  We are asking you to reach out to your councils and ask them to consider making a monetary donation toward this project to help offset the cost.   The Ladies of the Board will take care of doing the buying and acquiring the items Fr. Logan feels are needed for the inside of the bags.  Your job is just to help fund the project and show the Seminarians how blessed we are to have them follow their calling into the priesthood. 

Donations should be made payable to the Michigan State Council and in the memo line state “Seminarian Christmas”.  Checks should be mailed to the Michigan State Council Office at 6025 Wall Street, Sterling Heights, MI  48312 or brought directly to the Winter Leadership meeting and turn in at registration.

Christopher Kolomjec

State Deputy 


Messages Regarding the Passage of Proposal 3

By: Gary Merritt - Thu, Nov 10, 2022 8:21 AM

Brother Knights and Families,

 It was through your prayers, hard work and donations that helped in an unprecedented challenge to defeat the most extreme proposal against life in Michigan. The earlier letter from State Deputy Christopher Kolomjec had the subject heading “Leading Through Conviction and Leadership” which outlined our initiatives. We should all stand with our heads held high as we did lead through conviction and leadership in support of our bishops and priests, Michigan Catholic Conference, RTL Michigan and the coalition under Citizens to Support MI Women and Children.

 Our job and commitment to defending Life must continue with the passion and verver we are known for. I look forward to working with our councils, assemblies, members and families to continue efforts through the Ultrasound Program, Aid & Support After Pregnancy (ASAP) and all other pro-life initiatives we can offer throughout the state of Michigan.

 Please take a few minutes read the messages from our bishops regarding the outcome of Proposal 3. This should reinforce our hope that never disappoints, is our Lord Jesus Christ.

Thank you for Fighting Like Heaven to Defeat Proposal 3!

Ed Strach, Life Director Michigan State Council




 November 9, 2022

  Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

 We awake today to the news that      Proposal 3 has passed, altering our   state constitution to allow for  unregulated and unsafe abortion on-  demand in Michigan. As people of faith who witness to the Good News of Jesus Christ and His teachings, we are deeply saddened by this grave assault on the dignity and sanctity of unborn, innocent human life. We grieve for the many women who will continue to be harmed by abortion in our state. And most importantly, we grieve for the lives who will be lost because of this unjust and perverse law.


Over the last several months, advocates for life across the Archdiocese of Detroit and the entire state of Michigan worked tirelessly to spread the truth about Proposal 3, imploring voters to make an informed decision at the ballot box. They have been clear about the devastating impact of the vague and broad language of Proposal 3, invalidating dozens of laws and safety regulations. I offer my deepfelt gratitude to all who prayed, spread awareness, voted, and otherwise worked against this proposal; and I share in their sorrow at the outcome.


Abortion is now legal in Michigan at an unprecedented level, and millions of lives are at stake. We must pray and ask God for his mercy upon us for allowing this evil to happen in our state. For this reason, I want to invite all the faithful to join me in the first two weeks of Advent, from November 27 to December 4, in doing penance, giving alms, praying, and fasting. We must use these spiritual practices to make reparations for the great sin of abortion in our midst.


We also renew our commitment to accompanying women and families in need, with greater resolve than ever. This work is more critical now, as the unborn have been stripped of their basic right to life and their mothers face the harmful lie that the death of their children is a solution to their struggles. In response to the passing of Proposal 3, we must step forward with no judgment, open arms, and effective resources to help women reject the “solution” of death and empower them to choose life for their children.


In the Archdiocese of Detroit, we do this largely through Catholic Charities of Southeast Michigan, our charitable arm, and through the Archdiocese’s Evangelization and Missionary Discipleship Department. In particular, Walking with Moms in Need (WWMIN) is a ministry to help parishioners identify and create local resources that provide assistance to pregnant and parenting moms in need, and Project Rachel is an important ministry for individuals who have been harmed by abortion. I urge you to please consider joining a WWMIN ministry at your parish or getting involved in other prolife works of mercy in southeast Michigan. For more information and to get involved in these ministries, visit aod.org/walking-with-moms-in-need and evangelicalcharity.org.


We will continue our efforts to build a culture of life in which abortion is unthinkable, all families receive the support they need, and the dignity of all people is recognized. We do this with confidence in the ultimate victory of Christ, whose resurrection to life has defeated the powers of death.


St. Gianna Molla, the patroness of mothers, physicians, and unborn children, pray for us. Our Lady of Guadalupe, who carried the Savior in her womb, pray for us.


Sincerely yours in Christ,

The Most Reverend Allen H. Vigneron Archbishop of Detroit




Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

John Quincy Adams served as our nation’s sixth president. He was a brilliant lawyer and statesman who devoted much of his political life to opposing the evils of slavery. Even after serving as president, he ran for Congress and, once elected, continued to fight the good fight. When asked why he persevered in the face of stiff opposition and limited odds of success, Adams said: “Duty is ours. Results are God’s.”

As was true then, so is true now. Today we mourn the passing of Proposal 3 into our State Constitution. Whatever unfolds from this decision, it will not be good. Many potentially baleful consequences have already been foreseen. Many more that are, thus far, unforeseen will surely follow. John Quincy Adams died on the floor of the US Congress in 1848. An honorary pallbearer at his funeral was a young representative from Illinois. His name was Abraham Lincoln. He picked up the torch carried by Adams and ran with it all the way to the White House in 1861. Two years later, invoking the favor of Almighty God, Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation.

Hence today, do permit yourself to shed a tear but not lose hope. Why? Well, as Saint Paul tells the early Church in Rome: The hope that never disappoints is Jesus Christ. He is the reason for our hope. He is the light that shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it. Be assured of that.

Also, be assured of my gratitude to all of you who prayed and worked so hard in recent weeks to defeat Proposal 3. Thank you. Your petitions and your labors are not in vain. Together we will continue to build and, if needs be, rebuild a culture of life in Michigan and beyond. That task begins today. So, come let us be on our way. And May God bless you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Yours in Christ, Earl Boyea Bishop of Lansing



Michigan voters passed Proposal 3 (formerly known as “Reproductive Freedom for All”), an extreme pro-abortion amendment, on Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2022. This constitutional amendment now allows for “a new individual right to reproductive freedom, including right to make all decisions about pregnancy and abortion; allow state to regulate abortion in some cases; and forbid prosecution of individuals exercising this established right.”

The Diocese of Grand Rapids’ Office of Communications issues the following statement from Most Reverend David J. Walkowiak, bishop of Grand Rapids, following the approval of Proposal 3 by voters in Michigan:

The passage of Proposal 3 in no way diminishes our commitment to pray for and support human life at all stages of existence. It is disheartening to see that society continues to promote abortion as the only option for women experiencing unintended or unplanned pregnancies. I call on our elected representatives to enact legislation that prioritizes the well-being and stability of families in our society. The United States Bishops have made recommendations at the federal level to make this type of society possible.


The Catholic Church remains committed to helping women and couples who are facing unexpected or difficult pregnancies because we firmly believe God has a plan and purpose for every human life. We will continue to accompany and care for women in need of emotional, spiritual, or material support and their child(ren), born and unborn.

For every woman who has had an abortion, know that God loves you. Help and healing are available to you through our Project Rachel ministry.


We are grateful to all those around our state who worked tirelessly in opposition to Proposal 3 praying fervently, sharing resources and having the important conversations with friends, family and neighbors to help change hearts and minds.

David J. Walkowiak, bishop of Grand Rapids

Michigan Catholic Conference

Michigan Catholic Conference released the following statement after voters passed Proposal 3, an amendment the organization believes will place full-term abortion protections in the state constitution and create legal uncertainty for numerous state laws that protect women and children. The comments below may be attributed to MCC President and CEO Paul A. Long:

“This is a tragic day for Michigan and for the cause of protecting and upholding the inherent dignity of all human life. Despite the tremendous hurdle this constitutional amendment presents, we will continue to support policies that uphold parental rights and the sanctity of human life as well as those that offer assistance to women in need. Regardless of what abortion laws and policies are in place, we continue to pray for and work toward a day where human life is welcomed as a gift and where abortion is considered an unthinkable option.

“The mandate now before us is to accelerate a mission of love and mercy where all life is respected and supported, before, during and after birth. We will expect policymakers to address with substance and empathy the women and families in our state who are in need of support and compassion to ensure they have the help and life-affirming care needed to live with their children in dignity and joy.

“We are grateful to our bishops, clergy, religious and the Catholic faithful across Michigan for their bold and courageous stand to speak the truth in love through this campaign. The outpouring of support and action from Catholic parishes and grassroots citizens across the state demonstrated the strength, size, and dedication of the pro-life movement. Even in difficult circumstances we remain committed to uphold and proclaim that unborn children demand respect and are worthy of legal protection from the moment of conception.”

Council 5492 Star

By: Gary Merritt - Thu, Nov 10, 2022 8:20 AM

Thursday evening, it was my pleasure to present Dr. Thomas A Dooley Council #5492 in Livonia the Star council award.

Pictured left to right Tom Lamacchia Council Program Director, Charlie Rozum District Deputy #129, RJ Seaser Council Membership Director, Richard Shelt SDRR, and Immediate Past Grand Knight John Glendo.

Congratulations guys!

Fraternally and Vivat Jesus

Richard Shelt
State Deputy Regional Representative
Detroit Archdiocese West

CFU Exemplification council 4872

By: Richard Shelt - Thu, Nov 10, 2022 8:18 AM

An CUF Exemplification was held at All Saints council # 4872 in Taylor Wednesday Novenber 9. Six new members were initiated with two reinstatements during the service. Two of the members were under 50 with one of those being under 20. They were well received by 30 observers. Everyone enjoyed food and fellowship afterward.

Congratulations Bill Kessler GK for bringing this happen.

Fraternally and Vivat Jesus

Detroit East Council of Month Sept. 22

By: Paul Thorn - Thu, Nov 10, 2022 8:13 AM

On Tuesday November 9, Paul Thorn, Detroit East State Deputy Regional Representative, and Matt Elias, District Deputy 117, presented the September Council of the Month Award to Grand Knight Rubin Calderero of Msgr. John T. Gordon Council #12102 in Sterling Hts. Congratulations to Council 12102..

Council 2781 Columbian Award

By: Roger Markham - Thu, Nov 10, 2022 8:07 AM

Field Agent Roger Markham presented the 2022 Columbian Award to Gaylord St. Mary Council 2781 and GK Mike Czajkowski at their council meeting held November 9, 2022.

Saluting Our Veterans

By: Gary Merritt - Thu, Nov 10, 2022 8:05 AM

Remebering all that have served our country.

Pray for our Veterans this morning.

God of peace, we pray for those who hs this morning.ave served our nation and have laid down their lives to protect and defend our freedom. We pray for those who have fought, whose spirits and bodies are scarred by war, whose nights are haunted by memories too painful for the light of day. We pray for those who serve us now, especially for those in harm’s way. Shield them from danger and bring them home. Turn the hearts and minds of our leaders and our enemies to the work of justice and a harvest of peace. Spare the poor, Lord, spare the poor! May the peace you left us, the peace you gave us, be the peace that sustains, the peace that saves us. Christ Jesus, hear us! Lord Jesus, hear our prayer! Amen.

Prayer by Fr. Austin Flemming, a priest of the Archdiocese of Boston

Star Award Council # 13645

By: Richard Shelt - Wed, Nov 9, 2022 10:25 AM

Tuesday November 8th the Columbian award was presented to St Edith Council #13645 in Livonia at their Council Meeting where they had 25 members in attendance.

Pictured left to right Charlie Rosum DD129, Richard Shelt SDRR, PGK Jim Wyzlic and GK Ray Busuttil.

Fraternally and Vivat Jesus

Richard Shelt