Au Lac Council 10724 Church Softball Teams conclude season

By: Ken Warzybok - Sun, Jul 23, 2023 8:32 AM

Posted For: Council #10724


The Au Lac Council men's church softball teams wrapped up their season on July 21st with an exciting game, followed by a cookout for all the league teams and their families.


Located in Ira Township, the Au Lac Council has been proudly sponsoring a men's softball team for several years. However, this year marked a special milestone as they expanded to two teams.  After the game, everyone gathered to enjoy a delicious meal, prepared and served by the members.  It was a fantastic opportunity for players and their families to bond and enjoy some quality time together.

Au Lac softball

Any Councils that are interested in joining the Friday evening men's church softball league in St. Clair next summer may contact Mark Kehoe at

Council 521 is awarded June Council of the Month at Tri-District Meeting

By: Paul Thorn - Wed, Jul 19, 2023 8:59 PM

Posted For: Council #521

On Monday, July 17, at the Tri-District meeting at Holy Family Church in Memphis, Michigan, Detroit East State Deputy Regional Representative Paul Thorn presented the June Council of the Month Award to John Pidick, Grand Knight of Msgr. E. J. McCormick Council 521 in Port Huron.521 COTM

Also taking part in the presentation were State Treasurer Charlie McCuen and District Deputy 103, David Kelley II.


Congratulations to Council 521!


Exemplification at Council 8274

By: District Deputy 103 - Mon, Jul 17, 2023 8:15 AM

Posted For: Council #8274

An Exemplification of Charity, Unity, and Fraternity was held on July 16, 2023 at Immaculata Council No. 8274 at St. Edward on the Lake Catholic Church in Lakeport, MI. 

8274 exemp

Welcomed into the Order was Brody Seaman (center).  Also pictured is David Kelley II, DD #103 (left) and Grand Knight Brian Solomon (right).  Brody is currently a student at Wayne State University.

Welcome to the Order Brody!
David E. Kelley II, D.D. #103

Council 5436 conducts another "Helping Hands" project

By: Ken Warzybok - Sat, Jul 15, 2023 5:28 PM

Posted For: District #

On Saturday, July 15, 2023, Pope St. John XXIII Council #5436 (Waterford, MI) conducted another one of its many "Helping Hands" projects.  Ten Brother Knights and two ladies arrived at a centennial house located in the Clarkston/Independence Township area to clear overgrown brush, shrubs, grass and weeds.  Led by GK Michael Mandziuk, this group trimmed 26 shrubberies and attacked two acres with some serious weed-wacking.  It took four hours to finish the job.
5436 Helping Hands
The home belongs to an elderly and long-time volunteer at the local Clarkston Lighthouse Food Bank who is unable to take care of these chores by herself.  Council #5436 also collects canned goods and helps out at this food bank on a regular basis.