2023-2024 Michigan Knights of Columbus State Raffle

By: Kevin Rowley - Wed, Dec 27, 2023 8:32 AM

Thank you to all Brother Knights who have sold or bought and returned their raffle tickets with check, to
the State Office P.O. Box. You’ve done a great job including your “Early Bird” drawing ticket with each
book sold. Thank you also to all the brothers who have taken extra books of tickets to sell. Thanks to
all of you, we’re off to a great start again this year, raising much needed funds for our Michigan Charities
and local councils.


1st Early Bird Raffle Drawing
Our first of four Early Bird Raffle drawings is this Friday, December 29, 2023. One lucky brother will end
2023 with and extra $250.00 in their pocket. Will it be you? As they say, “you can’t win if you don’t
have a ticket.” Check those dresser drawers, desk drawers, kitchen counter tops, car trunks and glove
boxes, find your tickets and get them in for a chance to win.

Council Share
Would you like to donate $12.00 to your Council? Simply sell or purchase your book of raffle tickets and
your council will receive $1.00 for every ticket. That’s $12.00 per book sold. Some councils have really
jumped on the State Charity Raffle as one of the simplest fundraisers they’ve ever had. Your council
doesn’t have to apply for a license, you don’t have to recruit volunteers, cook pancakes or spaghetti,
simply sell your State Charity Raffle Tickets and your council receives $1.00 for every ticket sold. If just
the Elected Council Officers sell their tickets, your council will earn $144.00.Raffle cleanup